

Check out our past State Index reports, publications, and more!

Past State Index Reports


Alone without a Home: A National Review of State Laws Affecting Unaccompanied Youth (2019)

This report provides a state-by-state review of laws in 13 key issue areas that affect the lives of unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness. Topics include status offenses, emancipation statutes, health care access, consent and confidentiality statutes, and juvenile justice system statutes. It also offers an overview of the range of approaches taken by jurisdictions and the relative prevalence of these approaches and includes detailed indexes where advocates can find the relevant laws in their state or jurisdiction. Importantly, the report also provides recommendations for policy changes in each of the 13 issue areas, with a view towards strengthening the supports available to unaccompanied youth.

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The Index is a tool and we hope you’ll find it useful

We hope that you will explore the State Index site and make use of the resources and information provided. We would love to know what you think! Please feel invited to contact the authors with any suggestions, questions, or corrections you may have.


The overall State Index scores are accompanied by individual state profiles and metric-specific maps. Our maps also provide links to resources for legal help and state-specific Know Your Rights materials through HYLN.

Live Tracking

Our team works hard to maintain real-time updates and ensure that our maps contain the most current information available for the topics covered.


Our resources range from how young people can access legal assistance through the Homeless Youth Legal Network, authentic ways to engage with unhoused youth, the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Model State Statutes, to real-time tracking of legislation on youth homelessness around the country.


The authors of the Index want to ensure it is accurate and useful. Please contact us if you spot a mistake, have a suggestion for new metrics, or want to participate as a panelist on any upcoming webinars!

Stay Informed. Stay Involved.

The Index is constantly evolving and we want it to reflect what YOU need to end youth homelessness in your community. Check out our blog posts for our most recent news and insights.

The Systems That Displace Us

My Nana, a Black woman born and bred in Five Points Denver, Colorado, fought to protect her community of people living in the Denver Housing Projects for more than five decades. She was relentless in her drive towards equity and … Continue reading

  • Aleya Jones
  • February 4, 2024

What it Will Take to End Homelessness

Like many people, I grew up believing that owning a home was the ultimate goal – it signaled success and stability and being a part of the “American Dream”. As a young white woman from the suburbs, I absorbed all … Continue reading

  • Katie M Scott
  • January 23, 2024

Welcome to the new State Index

We have compiled research on 100+ metrics across 56 jurisdictions here. We want this research to do at least three things: shape the advocacy landscape by centering the priorities of young people with lived experience, document jurisdictions’ laws and policies … Continue reading

  • Jeremy Penn
  • January 23, 2024