
The team behind the State Index on Youth Homelessness tracks proposed laws that correspond to Index policy metrics and that would affect a jurisdiction’s Index score if enacted. Legislation is tracked in real time for the United States and D.C. and Index policy maps and scores will be updated as soon as possible after legislation is passed and becomes effective. We cannot currently track territorial law in real time. Territorial laws related to Index metrics will be tracked and updated on a yearly basis.

You can search by category to find legislation that is pending in each state or D.C. related to current Index metrics. We also track laws that may become Index metrics in the future. To explore these, please see below.


The team behind the State Index on Youth Homelessness tracks proposed laws that correspond to Index policy metrics and that would affect a jurisdiction’s Index score if enacted. Legislation is tracked in real time for the United States and D.C. and Index policy maps and scores will be updated as soon as possible after legislation is passed and becomes effective. We cannot currently track territorial law in real time. Territorial laws related to Index metrics will be tracked and updated on a yearly basis.

You can search by category to find legislation that is pending in each state or D.C. related to current Index metrics. We also track laws that may become Index metrics in the future. To explore these, please see below.

These reports are updated on a weekly basis but may not reflect all the bills in a particular category or the most recent updates for a particular bill. To ensure that you are seeing the most up to date information for a specific bill, please visit your state legislature’s website and search by bill. To find your state legislature’s website, click here.