Model Statutes and

About the Model State Statutes

The Model State Statutes: Youth and Young Adult Homelessness is a publication written in collaboration with the National Network for Youth, National Homelessness Law Center, SchoolHouse Connection, True Colors United, Community Legal Services Philadelphia, Arizona Legal Women and Youth Services, Legal Counsel for Youth and Children, and Homeless Persons Representation Project, with generous support from The Raikes Foundation and Baker McKenzie.

Over a period of two years, the authors and young people who have experienced homelessness gathered information about the on-the-ground experiences of unhoused youth, the intersectionality of systems these youth face, and the specific needs of the most vulnerable subpopulations of youth. This information was used to develop model laws that were then reviewed and edited by experts, practitioners, and more youth from across the country. What emerged from this collaborative effort—and is reflected in the models—is the foundational understanding and acknowledgement that youth are best served when they can exercise rights on their own behalf.

Click on the chapter titles below for a summary of what is covered, the page number in the full publication, and then click the Learn More button to access the whole chapter and model statute(s).

Access to Justice

Minor’s Right of Petition Act (p. 154)

  • “Any minor shall have the right to file a legal action, a public complaint, or a request for public records on their own behalf.”


Youth Access to Legal Services Act (p. 157)

  • “For unaccompanied homeless youth, many face daunting challenges when they become entangled in child welfare and family law court matters and have no right or reasonable avenue to securing an attorney that will advocate for their interest. These challenges become even more pronounced when youth who experience homelessness also encounter marginalization. The purpose of this statute is to provide youth with qualified and competent legal counsel.”