Access to Birth Records for Individuals Experiencing Indigency Act (p. 5)

  • “The purpose of this statute is to make it easier for individuals experiencing indigency, including minors and young adults, to access birth records.”


Access to Identification for Individuals Experiencing Indigency Act (p. 8)

  • “For all people in America, access to valid government-issued photo identification (ID) is critical to fully accessing daily needs. The barriers youth experiencing homelessness face in obtaining ID and the vital documents (e.g., Social Security card, birth certificate) necessary to obtain an ID are also barriers to youth access to housing, education, employment, and services—all of which are critical for youth to move toward safety, stability, and upward socioeconomic mobility.”

Vital Documents

Access to Birth Records for Individuals Experiencing Indigency Act (p. 5)

  • “The purpose of this statute is to make it easier for individuals experiencing indigency, including minors and young adults, to access birth records.”


Access to Identification for Individuals Experiencing Indigency Act (p. 8)

  • “For all people in America, access to valid government-issued photo identification (ID) is critical to fully accessing daily needs. The barriers youth experiencing homelessness face in obtaining ID and the vital documents (e.g., Social Security card, birth certificate) necessary to obtain an ID are also barriers to youth access to housing, education, employment, and services—all of which are critical for youth to move toward safety, stability, and upward socioeconomic mobility.”