Health Care Consent and Coverage for Minors Act (p. 42)

  • “The combination of increased health risks and lack of access to health care is deadly for unhoused youth and young adults; studies have found mortality rates up to 10 times those of their housed peers and suicide rates anywhere from 5 to 15 times those of stably housed youth. Until we start treating health care as a right and implement universal coverage as well as protection for gender-affirming and reproductive health care on a federal level, states must do everything they can to help unhoused youth and young adults access comprehensive and culturally competent care.”


Health Care Consent and Coverage for Minors Act (p. 42)

  • “The combination of increased health risks and lack of access to health care is deadly for unhoused youth and young adults; studies have found mortality rates up to 10 times those of their housed peers and suicide rates anywhere from 5 to 15 times those of stably housed youth. Until we start treating health care as a right and implement universal coverage as well as protection for gender-affirming and reproductive health care on a federal level, states must do everything they can to help unhoused youth and young adults access comprehensive and culturally competent care.”