Homeless Youth Family Act (p. 167)

  • Unhoused youth “often experience family conflict, including abuse, maltreatment, and neglect, which contributes to their homelessness. This can drive a youth from their home, limit their contact with their parents and families, and leave youth cut off from much needed resources and support. But youth require permanent, consistent caring adults in their lives for optimal positive development. Due to the key role family connections play in the lives of youth experiencing homelessness, both positive and negative, support agencies and the family legal system must be flexible to support the desired level of connection between youth and their families [and] with existing adults in their lives that they trust and feel cared for.”


Minor’s Motion for Direct Child Support Act (p. 174)

  • “The purpose of this statute is to authorize a youth to seek a motion to modify a child support order when they are unaccompanied or outside the care and custody of a parent or guardian.”

Family Law

Homeless Youth Family Act (p. 167)

  • Unhoused youth “often experience family conflict, including abuse, maltreatment, and neglect, which contributes to their homelessness. This can drive a youth from their home, limit their contact with their parents and families, and leave youth cut off from much needed resources and support. But youth require permanent, consistent caring adults in their lives for optimal positive development. Due to the key role family connections play in the lives of youth experiencing homelessness, both positive and negative, support agencies and the family legal system must be flexible to support the desired level of connection between youth and their families [and] with existing adults in their lives that they trust and feel cared for.”


Minor’s Motion for Direct Child Support Act (p. 174)

  • “The purpose of this statute is to authorize a youth to seek a motion to modify a child support order when they are unaccompanied or outside the care and custody of a parent or guardian.”