Support Youth Transitioning from Systems Act (p. 142)

  • “Support services for these older youth should ensure that they are fully prepared for community living. Successful transitions to adulthood require that prior to the discharge of a youth from foster care, juvenile court jurisdiction, or a residential behavioral or mental health facility, the responsible agency must develop an individualized transition or re-entry plan to ensure that housing, health and mental health services, education, employment, transportation, and vital records are available immediately upon release and that they are connected with family and supportive adults and are able to have their basic needs met. To be effective, this process must center the agency of the individual young person affected…”

Exiting Systems

Support Youth Transitioning from Systems Act (p. 142)

  • “Support services for these older youth should ensure that they are fully prepared for community living. Successful transitions to adulthood require that prior to the discharge of a youth from foster care, juvenile court jurisdiction, or a residential behavioral or mental health facility, the responsible agency must develop an individualized transition or re-entry plan to ensure that housing, health and mental health services, education, employment, transportation, and vital records are available immediately upon release and that they are connected with family and supportive adults and are able to have their basic needs met. To be effective, this process must center the agency of the individual young person affected…”