Youth Labor Standards Act (p. 70)

  • “Historically, young people have always been left behind in the employment sector, experiencing both the highest unemployment and disconnection rates. Many factors contribute to young people’s inability to attain adequate quality employment, including discrimination, social stigma, unnecessary barriers to access employment such as work permits, and inadequate access to resources such as childcare, public benefits, and health care. The purpose of this statute is to set forth the rights of individuals under age 18 to work for wages.”


Youth Access to Jobs Guarantee Act (p. 74)

  • “A job guarantee is an equitable remedy to the employment disparities that young people face in the private employment market, allowing young people who have traditionally been denied employment the ability to support themselves. As described in the model statute below, such a program would connect young people to gainful employment and support them in transitioning into the workforce and protect young workers from exploitation”, through oversight and legal protections.


Youth Labor Standards Act (p. 70)

  • “Historically, young people have always been left behind in the employment sector, experiencing both the highest unemployment and disconnection rates. Many factors contribute to young people’s inability to attain adequate quality employment, including discrimination, social stigma, unnecessary barriers to access employment such as work permits, and inadequate access to resources such as childcare, public benefits, and health care. The purpose of this statute is to set forth the rights of individuals under age 18 to work for wages.”


Youth Access to Jobs Guarantee Act (p. 74)

  • “A job guarantee is an equitable remedy to the employment disparities that young people face in the private employment market, allowing young people who have traditionally been denied employment the ability to support themselves. As described in the model statute below, such a program would connect young people to gainful employment and support them in transitioning into the workforce and protect young workers from exploitation”, through oversight and legal protections.