Minor’s Right of Petition Act (p. 154)

  • “Any minor shall have the right to file a legal action, a public complaint, or a request for public records on their own behalf.”


Youth Access to Legal Services Act (p. 157)

  • “For unaccompanied homeless youth, many face daunting challenges when they become entangled in child welfare and family law court matters and have no right or reasonable avenue to securing an attorney that will advocate for their interest. These challenges become even more pronounced when youth who experience homelessness also encounter marginalization. The purpose of this statute is to provide youth with qualified and competent legal counsel.”


Access to Justice

Minor’s Right of Petition Act (p. 154)

  • “Any minor shall have the right to file a legal action, a public complaint, or a request for public records on their own behalf.”


Youth Access to Legal Services Act (p. 157)

  • “For unaccompanied homeless youth, many face daunting challenges when they become entangled in child welfare and family law court matters and have no right or reasonable avenue to securing an attorney that will advocate for their interest. These challenges become even more pronounced when youth who experience homelessness also encounter marginalization. The purpose of this statute is to provide youth with qualified and competent legal counsel.”